She Hate Me

She Hate Me is a 2004 independent comedydrama film directed by Spike Lee and starring Anthony Mackie, Kerry Washington, Ellen Barkin, Monica Bellucci, Brian Dennehy, Woody Harrelson, Bai Ling and John Turturro.

John Henry Jack Armstrong Anthony Mackie is a financially successful and upwardly mobile executive at a biotechnology firm who, following the suicide of a colleague, Dr. Herman Schiller, is falsely accused of securities fraud by his superior, Leland Powell Woody Harrelson. Armstrongs assets are frozen, and he finds himself unable to maintain his quality of life.In order to make ends meet, he becomes a sperm donor, initially by acquiescing to the desires of Fatima Goodrich Kerry Washington, his exfiance who came out as a lesbian and now wants a child. Although there is still unresolved bitterness and tension between them over Armstrong and Goodrichs prior relationship, she and her girlfriend, Alex Guerrero Dania Ramirez, offer him a substantial sum of money to impregnate them both. This leads to Goodrich goading Armstrong into establishing a business in which groups of lesbians come over to his house and pay him 10,000 each to have sex with them in order to become pregnant. ........

Source: Wikipedia